Prohibited Goods not permitted to book in any network
  • Liquid, semi-liquid and gases.
  • Currency.
  • Indian Postal Articles and all items that infringe the Indian Postal Act of 1898.
  • Precious and semi-precious stones, gems, jewellery and equivalent items.
  • Perishables.
  • Radioactive or magnetic material.
  • Negotiable Instruments (Bearer Form).
  • Pornographic material.
  • Sodexo pass.
  • Firearms, explosives and military equipment.
  • Flammable Items.
  • Toxic and infectious Items.
  • Corrosives.
  • Powders and chemicals.
  • Drugs.
Restricted Commodities permitted only with prior approval from the Customs clearance team
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Artificial Jewelry
  • Auto parts with fluids in them
  • Cannabis for medicinal purposes from bona fide pharmaceutical manufacturers with appropriate licences and where lawful to ship, which must be in tablet or liquid form, may be carried with an approved business case.
  • Food stuffs, Perishable Food articles and Beverages requiring refrigeration or other Environmental control
  • Lithium Batteries
  • Maps and literature where Indian external boundaries have been shown incorrectly
  • Time-sensitive or critical written materials or documents including bids and contract proposals
  • Tobacco
  • Used Merchandise
The guidelines are available in the following links:

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